Starting from:



A good brand message is aimed at your target audience.

If you want to sell effectively, you can’t sell to everyone. You need to narrow
your focus. If you haven’t identified your ideal client (AKA target audience),
you’ll want to do that first.

A good brand message requires clarity.

When you get clear about who it is you’re serving, how you’re serving them,
and why, the rest will fall into place. Confusion doesn’t sell, but clarity does.


A good brand message is focused on solutions.

It’s not about just selling services. It’s about providing solutions to your
audience’s problems. Your clients don’t care about the features of your
services, but they do care about how your services can help them solve the
real problems they face each day.

A good brand message needs to be sincere and honest.

This should go without saying, but we’re going to say it anyway for good
measure. You have to follow through on your word. If you make a promise to
your audience, you need to make good on it. 


Download our free guide on the basic characteristics of a good marketing message. This is what you should aim for as you create your own brand’s message.